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Accueil de fdm

All the expertise to put you on the map, real and virtual

We create public relations campaigns that get people talking. Digital marketing strategies that convert. Content that engages. And graphic design that stands out.

We leverage strategy and creativity to drive you forward, aiming not only to meet but to exceed both your objectives and the ambitious goals we set for ourselves.

Relations Publiqus

Public Relations

Talk about it well, talk about it badly, but talk about it? Not quite. With us, you can be sure that we will do everything to ensure that your name, your company, your product or your service is associated with a positive experience. Product launches, major announcements, crisis management — one thing is certain: we will do everything we can to ensure that you are heard, seen, shared and appreciated. - Strategic planning - Media relations - Event management - Brand image - Influencer marketing - Integrated campaigns - Digital communication - Strategic support - Spokesperson training - And more

Marketing Numérique

Digital Marketing

If you're not on the web, where are you? A little question that makes you think a lot, isn't it? A good digital presence is now necessary for 99.99% of businesses. Social networks, newsletters, websites, digital advertising campaigns, natural referencing – we do all this and more to help you find your place on the “www”. And you will see: our strategists are extremely efficient and know exactly how to develop your market in the digital sphere. - SEM campaigns (Google Ads) - SMM campaigns (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.) - SEO strategies and content writing (natural referencing) - Writing for traditional and digital media - Design of websites and landing pages - Email marketing strategy - Blog posts - Online stores and e-commerce - Website audits - And more

Création de contenu

Content Creation

Creating content is good. But creating relevant content is even better. After all, it is necessary to capture the attention and seduce all the senses of the person who will consult it. Our mission, if you accept it, is precisely to create memorable content for you. Content that will turn heads and get people talking about it and clicking the “Buy” or “Like” button. Reels, TikTok, photo shoots — you name it, we do it! - Creation of content calendars for social networks - Photo and video production - Video montage - Corporate photo sessions - Image editing - Development of moodboards and creative concepts - Development of materials for advertising campaigns - And more

Design graphique

Graphic Design

Ancre 1

Beauty has always seduced. And it seduces even more when it is true, authentic and we can identify with it.  This is exactly what we offer you at FDM: captivating and well-polished graphic design that you and your audience will not soon forget. But all this doesn't come from nowhere: it starts from you and your desires, from your brand and its DNA. - Packaging - Website design - Print or digital advertisements - Outdoor display - Logos - Brand image and standards guide - Press mailings - Editing and layout - Newsletters - And more

Spokesperson Training

Become a master in the art of communicating with the media and the public At the heart of press relations practice is information and crisis management: this is why Agence FDM offers the spokesperson training service. Acquire skills that will be used to improve the credibility of your business: - Transmit clear and consistent messages - Answer difficult questions - Present the company in a positive way Spokesperson training is a strategic investment to strengthen the confidence of the media and the public in a speaking context.

Strategic Council

Want an external perspective to brainstorm ideas? Whether for strategic advice, specific training in the world of marketing and communications, a brainstorm session or simply an update on best practices to adopt in your industry, our team offers personalized training on time. More specifically, we can support you in: - Participation in the development of a strategy surrounding your digital ecosystem; - Brainstorm content ideas to implement according to your platforms; - Update on digital trends; - Training / coaching session with content creators; - And others.


Go to our Projects page and browse some of our creations.

Video editing in a modern office space at FDM
Femme parlant au téléphone devant l'accueil de l'agence

They expressed great satisfaction
with our services

"I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with FDM agency on various projects over the past 7 years. Every time, I feel I’m in good hands, and I know the team will deliver a campaign that perfectly blends creativity and strategy. Plus, working with this team is easy and so enjoyable!"

Roxanne Mercier, Communications Advisor

Ville de Longueuil

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